Sterling Debt Recovery

Case Studies

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Unique challenges, specialized solutions

The recruitment industry is unique as compared to other sectors. The majority of recruitment agencies operate on a contingency basis meaning you only get paid when your candidate lands the job. The arrangement usually includes a rebate or replacement clause, so if the candidate leaves within a fixed period the agency must offer a refund or a replacement candidate for free. 

But what happens when clients avoid their responsibility after a successful placement?

Unfortunately, it’s common for clients to misunderstand their responsibilities and the technicalities of the terms of business. Sometimes clients will deliberately ignore their responsibilities in an attempt to avoid payment. General debt collectors often lack the industry knowledge to navigate the particulars of recruitment contracts, like rebates and replacements. That’s where we come in.

Sterling Debt Recovery: Your recruitment debt collection partner

Since 2007, Sterling Debt Recovery has been the go-to choice for over 350 recruitment agencies.

Our expertise and experience, with a team of collectors, understand the needs of your business. From backdoor hires to complex contract terms, offering expert recovery, and focusing solely on recruitment debt collection. With a client base of over 350 recruitment agencies using us to collect as and when needed, and relying on us for advice on terms and conditions and processes.

Recruitment Case Studies

In the case studies below, see how we have helped the agencies tackle common recruitment debt scenarios, including finding back-door hires. Most of the case studies showcase the technical nature of recruitment debts and the importance of our industry expertise and in-depth knowledge of the sector leading to successful debt collections, securing payments, etc.

Explore Case Studies

Back door hire service for Goodwin Recruiting

Candidate is employed by a different but related company

Candidate leaves within rebate period but invoice is not paid

Temp to Perm with a twist

We're not paying your invoice as you're not on our PSL

Disputed retainer fee from a law firm

Disputing the quality of the contractor's work

We're not paying, we sold the business!

The battle of the forms

Back Door hire with bunch of disputes

Credit Control and Finance Back Office Service for Driver Provider

Fast, international recruitment fee debt collection

When finance needs a clip round the ear

Hamilton Mayday Case Study

Back door hire

REC2REC fee dispute: Original vs Actual placement commission rate

No signed tob's, and no authority to agree contract

You are not on my PSL

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